Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How To Get 300 More Credits On Poptropica How Long Does It Take To Build A Strong Credit History?

How long does it take to build a strong credit history? - how to get 300 more credits on poptropica

I am 24 years old, and in early 2007 (February-April), I became a guarantor for car loan to my friend and I had my first credit card Discover with a limit of $ 300. In the middle of 2008, I received a credit card merchant Express, which starts at $ 250 and have just up to $ 450, and where they can reach you no more. In the last 5 years I have had all utilities (cable, electricity, gas, etc.) to get my name and pay all on time. All my credit cards and utility bills are paid on time and have never too late for a payment vehicle. Oh, and I only have a negative on my credit report of $ 450 for almost 7 years and probably open more than just a credit card in the future, and that's all.

So I guess this means thatI'm on the right track and has improved significantly, to my score 640-680 and still rising. But my question is:

How long does it take my credit card to as "sufficient credit history, because even today as a" young "credit?

And while the payment on time and keep the balance on my credit card to find out how you actually increase your credit card every month, 6 months or a year?


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