Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pictures Of Herpes On The Hand Do I Have Genital Herpes?

Do I have genital herpes? - pictures of herpes on the hand

To so in the 13 Ive had never done anything, sex or sexual. the farther I went to a man's hand and kissed a boy. on the lips of my vagina when I extend them and see the pieces look inside. I do, or something and I feel good. that genital herpes or something else? I also saw pictures of girls with genital herpes and skin, so they look big and very red, but do not help, my that.please'm really scared because I do not know what it is.


Ting-Tin... said...

Firstly, not outside Liker cold play, but maybe HPV. HPV can spread if you have only the genital area and then sell to touch. You may need a gynecologist to get a glimpse of the fight. it can give you a cream to lighten it. You do not have HPV, but it can never break out again. The next time you have to cut a condom, and it occurs in the genital area before any oral sexual contact, and the man should be worn. Herpes can be spread through the mouth, the gonorrhea. You should talk to a nurse if you know 13 years and is close to sex, the facts and how they protect themselves. Good luck love.

yumiistr... said...

You can, if you had sex. If you have sex do not get what you do not have genital herpes. In the past I think that something in me, but I think you begin, the girls did when they reach puberty. I did the same thing! if not disturbed, then it will be good. And it could be STD (sexually transmitted), if you have had sex or came into contact with the genitalia of another person. Relax, your right!

I Need Some Competition said...

Flashback! When I was 15 I did the same, and he was so concerned that he had a ... STD but of course this is nothing. If you are not sexually active ... enothing then you have to care.

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